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A perfect family day – action and nature combined

From breakfast in an oasis to an indoor leisure park IMG

The Farm at “Al Bahari” in Dubai is located in a picturesque and green residential area. The extremely child-friendly atmosphere is captivating. We are happy to make the journey out of the metropolis because we know what awaits us. The complex is surrounded by numerous flowers and trees, which is unusual for a desert area. For us, the trip away from the city is always a pleasurable and calming breath of fresh air. However, we don’t end up in an all-you-can-eat restaurant and the prices are rather high. But it’s always worth digging a little deeper into your pocket, because as we all know, you eat with your eyes.

There is a menu with delicious, fresh dishes for children:

  • The Farm’s Paint Brush (AED 47 / 12 Euro)
  • The Farm’s Paint Brush (AED 47 / 12 Euro)
  • Oats Quinoa Porridge (AED 43 / 9 Euro)
  • Mixed Berries (AED 25 / 7 Euro)

It should not be a secret. Our daughter Ayleen (6 years old) only wants to stay at the table until the food is off the plate – i.e. for a maximum of 10 minutes. If, like us, you like to eat in peace and linger at the table, this is a real challenge. But “The Farm” also caters for lively kids. In the garden there is a pretty little square with a bouncy castle as an ideal play area for the little ones. As our program is also varied on this day and our daughter tells us every 5 minutes what she has experienced, the decision to set off and visit the IMG indoor leisure park is an easy one.

The rides in the IMG are spectacular and transport the whole family to another world

IMG is the world’s largest indoor amusement park with an area of 140,000 square meters. Every day, more than 20,000 visitors come to this theme park, which is open all year round. How could it be otherwise 😉 In Dubai, the motto “the bigger, the better” is a leitmotif. The drive from “The Farm” to the theme park is only a quarter of an hour. Our daughter runs to the entrance and, thanks to the online tickets, we can head straight for our first adventure. Watch out! The park only opens at 12 noon. That’s why breakfast at the Oasis is the ideal start.

The theme park is divided into different zones: Marvel, Lost Valley, Cartoon Network, IMG Boulevard, The hautend Hotel, IMG Kids Zone. The age restrictions must be observed. We recommend that you check the specified body measurements for the lanes on the website. In our experience, the review is strict. Although Ayleen is only 110 cm tall and therefore the selection is relatively small, three hours in the park are over in no time, and this is due to the exhilarating experiences in every respect.

For adults, we think the most exciting attraction is “the forbidden territory”. We drive through a so-called Danger Zone in a safari car. Many dinosaurs appear and accompany the ride with special noises.

The “Spiderman ride” is far too extreme, and not just for the little ones. We have no choice but to close our eyes and scream. Our daughter obviously knows no fear and wants to go back on the track, perhaps just to hear us scream again 😉

Three hours of “action” is enough, not least because a hall without daylight leaves a cramped feeling. Our home has to be patient. Our second home – the “Kite Beach” – takes precedence.

Fine sandy beach – ideal for children to build sandcastles with their families Kite Beach

Like everywhere else, the sunset in Dubai varies depending on the time of year. In the summer months, the sun sets around 7 p.m., while in winter it gets dark two hours earlier. As we are currently in winter, we have to hurry to reach the “Kite Beach” in time. We will be rewarded. On the horizon, a red, fiery glowing sphere bids farewell. For Ayleen, it’s the ideal time to round off an eventful day with a refreshing swim.

There are many different public beaches in Dubai, but our favorite is – as already mentioned – the “Kite Beach”. Why? Apart from the children playing in the sand and the bathers in the shallow sea, the joy of playing (volleyball) and joie de vivre (cozy picnic) dominate. The atmosphere is calm and relaxed. Every now and then a jogger or cyclist appears. Directly behind the beach there is a good selection of places to eat – from simple stalls for fresh fruit juices or ice cream to restaurants. During the winter months, market stalls with special tunics, toys and beach bags enrich the offer.

When hunger sets in here, we – yes, we too – become creatures of habit. The Salt Salt Burger store beckons every meal. The juicy little burgers are a treat for us. Our favorite is the Jalapenos Burger (11 euros) with Vinegar Fries (8 euros). We end the eventful excursion outside and can relax completely. Everyone must recognize one thing. Dubai covers every need in many ways. At such atmospheric moments, we are grateful to be here

The day was packed with many impressive experiences. The clock is already showing 8 p.m. – high time to go home, because the journey home takes another 30 minutes. There is so much more to tell about Dubai, whether for families, singles or couples. We will continue to keep you up to date!

Your Ines

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