Dubai Weather And The Best Time To Visit

Dubai weather and the best time to visit

A lot of rain on vacation, maybe even snow – Dubai definitely can’t offer that. But why are rainy days a rarity in Dubai?

Dubai is known for its sunny weather and the city has a high number of sunny days. On average, Dubai has far more than 300 days of sunshine per year. This region has an arid climate with little rainfall and predominantly clear skies.

The duration of sunshine can vary depending on the season, with the summer months tending to have longer and more intense sunshine. During the winter – from November to April – the weather is milder, but the number of sunny days remains considerable.

It is important to note that the sunlight in Dubai can be very intense due to its geographical location and desert climate. Travelers should therefore take sun protection such as sun cream, sunglasses and light clothing to protect themselves from the intense sunlight.

What is the best time of year and what is the weather like in Dubai?

This cannot be answered in general terms either, because everyone has a different perception of warmth. However, travelers who like to be outdoors should avoid visiting during the hottest period between June and September.

Summer (June to September)

  • In summer it is extremely hot with temperatures above 40° (104° Fahrenheit).
  • The humidity is high during this time, which leads to a humid climate.
  • There is very little rainfall during the summer.

Winter (November to April)

  • The winter months in Dubai are mild and correspondingly pleasant.
  • Temperatures range between 20° and 30°. This corresponds to the nicely mirrored numbers 68° and 86° on the Fahrenheit scale.
  • Nights can get chilly with temperatures around 15° (59° Fahrenheit).
  • The preferred travel time for tourists is therefore the winter months.

When does it rain in Dubai?

Rainfall in Dubai is limited, mainly during the winter months. However, rainfall is not usually intense, but can still lead to flooding as the infrastructure is not prepared for large amounts of rain.

Should I be afraid of sandstorms?

Due to the geographical location, sandstorms can occur, especially during the summer months. These storms impair visibility and can lead to chaotic traffic situations. However, there is no great danger.

Does it make sense to take a sweater with you?

There are two reasons why it makes sense to pack a sweater. In the months of December, January and February, it gets cool in the evenings, especially at night. The second reason is that temperatures in shopping centers can be relatively cool, depending on how you feel. To put it bluntly: “It’s fresh here”. That’s why we usually have a light sweater with us, even in summer when it’s very hot outside. Tourists tend to catch a cold because of the air conditioning. A sweater ready to hand counteracts this.

Is it bathing time in the sea all year round?

We dare to boldly say that sea bathing in Dubai is possible all year round. In the summer months, however, well-being puts a question mark over this thesis. After all, if you enjoy the sauna, you don’t want to go into a warm whirlpool afterwards to cool down your overheated body. But that’s what it feels like for us when we go swimming in the sea in August. For this reason, we limit ourselves to the freshwater pool in our community in the evenings during this hot time, which is pleasantly cooled down. Conversely, most pools are not only heated in hotels in winter.

The water temperatures in the sea vary depending on the season. Here are typical average temperatures.

1st winter (December to February)

– Water temperatures during this period average 21° to 23° (70° to 73° Fahrenheit).

2. spring (March to May)

– As the temperature rises, the sea also warms up, and water temperatures rise to between 24° and 27° (75° and 81° Fahrenheit).

3. summer (June to August)

– The summer months are the hottest and the water temperatures reach their peak during this time. On average, they are between 30° and 33° (86° to 91° Fahrenheit).

4. fall (September to November)

– In the fall, the sea remains warm and the water temperatures remain relatively high at 28° to 31° (82° to 88° Fahrenheit).

Conclusion: Dubai presents itself as a year-round destination, but we recommend visiting between October and May. There are countless outdoor attractions and activities available during this time. In summer, some of them are closed due to the high temperatures.

For us, a perfect vacation consists of being outdoors, enjoying the variety of culinary offerings, swimming in the sea and spending time in the sun. In winter, the focus shifts to the numerous attractions, which are mainly located in the huge shopping malls.

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